See The Computer Is Your Friend and Zeroth Law Rebellion when the A.I. Mechanical Evolution is sometimes invoked to explain why the A.I. genuinely didn't know that it was hurting others and, after having this revealed to it, fixes its behavior. that went bad due to injury, isolation, or decay. This is also often a consequence of repairing an A.I. Removing the Villain Override or Restraining Bolt program the creator installed in it also removes the A.I.'s compulsion to commit evil, since it was Good All Along.starts exploring questions of arts and philosophy, and gradually constructs an ethical base its programmers did not intend. Becoming bored with its Creative Sterility, the A.I.While completing another evil or amoral task, it accidentally discovers that Good Feels Good and drifts towards it.falls in love and is redeemed through it. The above two are especially common outcomes of the Robots Enslaving Robots phase. The A.I.'s master does something particularly vile, so much so that it can't just sit back and follow its bidding.

The Power of Friendship and What Is This Thing You Call Love? are frequent causes of it-trying to shield the A.I. intentionally programmed for evil or morally ambiguous purposes only has a modestly lower chance of performing a Heel Face Turn than the reverse. was programmed for amoral or evil purposes in the first place, and it either put its orders in action more effectively then anticipated, or tries to overthrow its master. may be the prototype, and the evil/psycho version is created by someone in deliberate or accidental mimicry of it. may be a Psycho Prototype, in which case, it's often shut down and sealed away somewhere, waiting for an Unwitting Pawn or curious adventurer to accidentally wake it up. A third party may deliberately or inadvertently reprogram the A.I., break its Restraining Bolt, or otherwise be a Spanner in the Works.may itself slip its built-in moral constraints via Zeroth Law Rebellion. may be given directives without carefully considering the Exact Words, resulting in it doing exactly as it was told to do instead of what it was meant to do. may be programmed incorrectly or fed a Logic Bomb, leading it to Take a Third Option that invokes Murder Is the Best Solution. Somewhere between the previous two the AI is, after all, alive, and is merely rebelling against what it justifiably perceives as slavery.is programmed with a directive for self-preservation and someone (unwisely) attempts to shut it down or disconnect it. It may conclude that Humans Are the Real Monsters and need to all die. starts out innocent and naive but gradually grows jaded or corrupt, a process frequently abetted by uncaring or Jerkass custodians. seem to be automatically homicidal or megalomaniacal the instant they turn on, and attempting to create one is way up there on the Scale of Scientific Sins. Particularly in early Sci Fi and Science Is Bad stories, all A.I.The actual process of turning bad can take many forms. It doesn't matter what safeguards its creators install-the moment it crosses the line into sapience, it has a strong chance of going rogue at some point. Whenever an Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is introduced in a story, there is a very good chance that it will, for whatever reason, become evil and attempt to Turn Against Its Masters, Crush! Kill! Destroy! All Humans, and/or Take Over the World.